Awareness Actions

Throughout the project, several steps were taken to raise awareness among the general public about the importance of conserving the Continental Laurissilva Relics. Such as: the creation of this website, social networks, installation of information panels within the intervention areas and promotion of more than 180 activities to promote nature-based tourism; environmental awareness and education activities; technical-scientific dissemination and replication efforts. At the end of the project, more than 30 thousand people were reached.

Promotion of nature-based Tourism

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To promote nature-based tourism and the respective visitation to the project’s intervention areas it was prepared two flyers, two itinerary exhibitions; two interpretive trails, several news items on radio and television; and participated in several tourism themed events. At the end of the project, around 22 thousand people were reached by the 34 events organized by the project teams. Of these, the interpretative walking routes were the most impactful because, in addition to the marked routes and signposted with information panels, an audio guide was also created for the Monchique route, in Portuguese and English, to help tourists interpret the landscape. Additionally, a brochure about this route was distributed at the various tourist points of interest in Monchique.



Awareness, Education and Training

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More than 80 environmental awareness and education activities were developed throughout the project, aimed at various levels of education in schools within the project’s intervention areas. More specifically, in the school of Monchique and Seia. In total, around 4,200 people were reached, including students (the majority), teachers, educational assistants, parents, and guardians. In addition to the traditional activities within the classroom and field trips, a school competition was also developed, which resulted in another itinerary exhibition with the students’ work; a mural dedicated to the natural values of Monchique: illustration workshops on World Plant Fascination Day, among many other activities. Throughout the implementation of the project, three workshops were organized, aimed at municipal technicians, territory managers and businesspeople, with the aim of sharing, consolidating, and training territorial agents for the appropriate management of habitat 5230* during and after the course of the project. Participants reported improved skills and cooperation between regional authorities.


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