
Author's posts

Layman’s Report Available

The layman’s report is now available for consultation or download. This is a report that presents the final results of the project in a non-technical version, accessible to everyone interested in knowing more about the conservation of Continental Laurissilva. Available HERE

Field Guides Available

Both field guides are available for download here. These guides will complement the implemented walking routes and thus increase the nature based tourism within the project’s intervention areas. Monchique Field Guide  + Rhododendron Route           Estrela Field Guide  + Portuguese Laurel Route  

Monchique Mayor volunteers

Still in 2023, with the aim of marking World Tree Day, the entire municipal executive participated in an afforestation and reforestation action in Foia, with the aim of raising awareness of the importance of preserving trees, both in the local ecosystem and for the ecological balance in general, but also for the importance of forestry …

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3rdLIFE-Relict Seminar in Seia 2022

The 3rd and final Life-Relict Seminar was organized by project partner CMSeia, through C.I.S.E. (Serra da Estrela Interpretation Center) which included a conference, on September 9, 2022, and a walking route between Cabeça and Casal do Rei, the following day, which allowed visiting the Portuguese community of laurel trees on the Loriga river. The opening …

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Voluntários ajudam a preservar o azereiral

Em Cabeça, Seia, durante o ano de 2022 foram dinamizadas duas ações com voluntários. A primeira, para celebrar o Dia da Terra realizou-se uma plantação com 8 voluntários ao longo da Rota do Azereiro onde se plantou 20 exemplares desta Relíquia da Laurissilva Continental. A segunda ação, promovida pelo CISE através de Alexandre Silva e …

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4ª sessão de esclarecimento à população local de Seia

Sorry, this entry is only available in European Portuguese.

Monchique já tem um MURAL

The Plant Fascination Day Celebration took place over three days (18/19 and 20 May 2022) and involved 334 students from all pre-school classes, 1st cycle classes, and the 3 7th grade classes year of schooling at the Monchique School Group. This celebration involved the painting of a mural, with a theme related to the natural …

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Aula no campo para alunos do secundário

Em Seia, cerca de 74 alunos da Escola Secundária de Seia, tiveram a oportunidade de participar em três atividades promovidas pela equipa do CISE, nomeadamente, uma sessão de apresentação do projeto em contexto de sala de aula, uma saída de campo para visitar a área de intervenção em Cabeça e uma aula no campo sobre …

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Exhibition of knowledge and flavors promoted the natural heritage of Monchique

Last weekend (May 28th and 29th) the event “Vamos à Vila” took place, an event about the knowledge and flavors of the municipality of Monchique and where the cultural and natural heritage also took place. As part of the Life-Relict Project, a guided tour was organized along the Rhododendron Route, where it was possible to …

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International Plant Fascination Day celebrated in Monchique

On May 18th of every year, the International Day of Plants is celebrated. This date was created in 2012 by EPSO – European Plant Science Organisation, to celebrate the mysterious and fascinating life of plants. From the smallest seed, the biggest tree is born, which feeds and shelters the most varied creatures. In this sense, …

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